From Chaos to Clarity: A Reflective Journey Through 2024

Although the year isn’t quite done yet, I am taking the time now to reflect on what has been a challenging, no, that’s not the correct word — an arduous year. I love blown glass, so I won’t use the Potter's Wheel metaphor. Instead, I feel like glass shaped through countless trips in and out of the furnace—each moment of heat adding a new colour or intricate detail to finally come out and cool with clarity and refinement. It has been tough. I see the beauty born from the experience now, and the evolution feels good.
There has been resistance and rejection. I have heard more no’s than I can count. With each pivot—left, right, and back left again— I found new perspectives and uncovered strengths that I didn’t know I had. There have been physical changes beyond expectation and control. There has been a shedding of relationships and clearing of metaphorical noise and clutter. The rollercoaster of emotions has been a ride of endurance, but with each loop and turn, I discovered an unshakable resolve within myself. Each decision felt like a tug-of-war: Should I do this? Should I do that? Each choice stretched me in ways I hadn’t expected. The to-do list still reflects May, and I have been Christmas-tired since September.
I have not experienced any grand gestures or achieved any of my goals this year—in fact, it seems to have all moved in what could be perceived as the wrong direction! Perhaps it has been the reset I didn’t know I needed.
Even so, the foundation has and is always love—soft and gentle, sometimes bold and disciplined, from those I know and strangers.
All the while, the moments of joy have inspired me to continue forward. The small moments of waking up to my husband smiling at me and the cuddles of my youngest son each day. Seeing the names of my two older sons pop up on the phone when they call (or them actually answering a call!)—sharing messages with my daughter-in-laws and seeing my grandchildren's sparkling eyes and cheeky smiles on FaceTime.
The year appeared to be a whirlwind of chaos, although I didn’t feel chaotic. The shaping and reshaping have exposed a clarity of personal insight that would not have occurred if all had gone as I intended. Being able to see what truly matters—the love, joy, and quiet moments that anchor my life I can now express gratitude, where before, there was only frustration.
Do I conclude that 2024 was a good year? Yes. Do I want to live it again? No. But I am confident that through my next personal evolution, there will be a likeness.
As I let 2024 go, and slide into the vibe of 2025, I feel a newfound resolve and an unshakable confidence to pursue my goals with an unwavering focus. It’s exciting, the resistance has dissipated, and the path forward feels light and liberating.
OM xx
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