Wife, Mumma, Nonna, coach, podcast host, speaker, and queen of Loving Yourself Well

May mission is simple: I want to help you create a life you LOVE.
If you've landed here, chances are you're looking to refill your cup, fulfil your sense of purpose, stop the self-doubt, stress less and reignite your passion for life. You are tired of the juggling and the struggle to navigate the complexities of modern life - you want to achieve your goals; you want to be brave and feel confident. You want your life to be joyful, exciting, and simple. In one sentence: You want to live a life you love!
Well, stick around because you have found a friend and a guide in me.
I want you to become all you are meant to be and live a life you love.
I haven't always lived a life I love. To be honest, there were times when I wanted to give up, and some days were unbearable. I was running around a million miles an hour, taking on as many projects as possible to avoid being with myself and dealing with the mess that came from me believing I only deserved second best—a belief I didn't know or recognise at the time. I functioned in a state of constant stress, hyper-focused on my appearance (exercise was obsessive, and if there was a diet pill I could get my hands on, I was taking it – even when I only weighed 51 kilos!) I rarely finished things, sabotaged myself at every opportunity and was living out the expectations others had of me. My marriage was dysfunctional (toxic), and I was the best parent I knew how to be at the time, working on building a career—trying to have it all at once (failed dismally!). I knew life wasn't meant to be this complicated; I knew there was more and wanted to live authentically, with peace and happiness. I wanted to stop feeling overwhelmed, stressed, and not good enough – I was tired of just hanging on. I was a personal development queen but still didn't know how to make lasting change.
I turned 40 and thought, if I am halfway through my time here on earth, do I want to live the balance of my life like this? The answer was a resounding NO.

I realised I had to take back control of my life and my happiness and live what I call ‘God’s first’, the best life for me.
I realised I had no idea what self-love was, but I had to understand and learn it.
I realised that I had to take responsibility for my own happiness.
I realised that the decision to live my best life lay with me.
I realised that vows could be replaced; I didn't need to martyr myself.
I realised I had to stop looking outside myself to find my purpose and to start connecting with my truth, my soul, and my spirit, and allow myself the space and grace to change.
I knew I wanted to live out my potential, and I didn't want to look back on my life and have the 'I wish I did …' type of regret. I was determined to get my life sorted.
As I began to understand that I was worthy as I was, that I didn't need to be perfect, I didn't need to compare myself to others, I didn't need to impress people who didn't mean anything to me, I could set boundaries and not feel guilty, and that I could love myself through these changes. Once I stepped off the roller coaster of seeking happiness, acceptance, and approval externally. Once I began to love myself well, my entire life changed.
As I began to look at my life through a lens of compassion, kindness and forgiveness, the personal development lessons stuck. The chaos and strife slowly dissipated. I saw myself differently, my loved ones and those around me differently. My goals and dreams seemed to unfold, and although I was taking action and overcoming challenges, it felt effortless and almost magical.
I want you to have this, too!
Through my free content, coaching, podcast, and self-guided programs, I want to make a difference and help you to discover your potential, love yourself well and create a life you love.
I believe when you Love Yourself Well, everything else falls into place.
If you want to live a life you love, you need to bring every part of yourself to the table; your uniqueness, your gifts that need to be shared with the world, and a heart of service—all needed for you to fully blossom.
I believe in possibility.
I am an eternal optimist, and I know that with belief, passion, humility, focus, commitment, and inspired action, you can overcome challenges, live out your dreams and create a life you love.
I know my work changes lives
– what a way to make a living!
I am decidedly not for everyone
– and that is ok.
My Aunt told me once, 'Sometimes you need someone else to believe in you before you can believe in yourself.' Well, let's do that right now.
You are worthy, valuable, capable, and wise. You have things to offer, and I believe in you.
I fill my days with my passions — family, writing, working with clients, studying, Pilates, Qigong, and creating resources to help you live a life you love.
I adore my time spent reading books, engaging in business strategies, enjoying brunch, and indulging in the simple pleasure of a good pizza.
I collect parchments and am a qualified coach, nutrition, and beauty pro. I have a rich background in beauty, sales, marketing, lifestyle, wellbeing, health coaching, network marketing and business management.
My longest period of full-time employment was 18 months. I prefer working for myself.
My spirit is entrepreneurial, starting my first business at fourteen, I quickly learned the ropes of self-reliance and innovation. My entrepreneurial journey has taken me around the globe, learning from and with incredible women, each teaching me lessons about crafting an extraordinary life.
Expressing creativity is important to me, from writing, producing and directing a sell-out musical at the Adelaide Fringe about my beauty salon (where the clients were the actors!), curating art exhibitions, to running a half marathon on the Great Wall of China, (I had never run a day in my life until then!) my life is filled with unexpected adventures and creative pursuits.
Serving the community and advocating for those less fortunate than myself aligns with my purpose of service; I volunteer regularly, hold fundraising brunches, and an extraordinary life highlight was celebrating the centenary of International Women's Day with 99 other Australian women as part of a team that built homes in Nepal.
My life is a vibrant tapestry of experiences, and I embrace each one—joyful or challenging—with gratitude.
I am far from perfect and don't have all the answers. I make mistakes, and life can be a little zany sometimes! However, I am committed to sharing the best of what I learn with you to help you live your most meaningful life. I do this through my blog and instagram.
Now, enough about me. I want to learn more about you!
How do you fill your days? What was your last adventure? The best way to share and connect with me is to become an OM Insider – sign up below.
If you have read this far, thank you for sharing your time with me. I look forward to getting to know you better.
OM xx
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