
Articles & Writing 

Let’s Create a Life You LOVE

Your Love Affair With Choc Chip Cookies Starts Here

I have been poking around my recipe archives and came across this chocolate chip cookie recipe. It was so popular in our home. I can’t believe that I had forgotten about it! When a toddler was in the house, I baked these regularly because chocolate chip cookies were a favourite. We would...

Soup. It's Your Winter Smoothie.

Smoothies are quick and easy and can offer us a meal to go packed with nutrients. But downing a frozen smoothie can be challenging in the cold of winter. Well, for me, at least! I much prefer a steaming bowl or cup of hearty homemade soup. It is soul food.


There is a feel-good factor about...

Essential Oils with Proven Health Benefits

How lovely it is to walk into a room or space and have your sense of smell aroused by a gentle aroma. I love it, which is why I diffuse essential oils most days. Essential oils have been used for thousands of years for medicinal and health purposes. I have a few in my medicine cabinet to help...

Mongolian Stir Fried Beef

While we don't follow any particular diet in our household, opting for a flexible attitude focusing on whole real foods, I would say our family's eating style is closest to a Mediterranean diet. Mostly plants, the occasional sweet treat and when we choose a meat dish, it is always good quality...

How to Store Food for Freshness and Nutritional Value

Do you prefer storing your eggs in the fridge or kitchen pantry? Are tomatoes tastier from the crisper or the fruit bowl kept on the bench? No one likes to waste food, so preserving the quality and nutritional value of the food you purchase is important for your health and finances!


Breakfast Salad Bowl

Salad for breakfast? This may seem strange to some of you. We are conditioned that breakfast must be cereal, fruit, toast, eggs, bacon or the likes. I am here to bust that myth, and breakfast can be any food you want! Well, if you are around here, you know that I mean any food that serves you and...

Move From Chaotic to Mindful in 3 Steps

Mindfulness is the capacity to maintain continuously focused attention on a familiar object without forgetting about it and without being distracted by other thoughts, mental images, sounds or sights. 

The study and practice of mindfulness have changed the way I live life. Although I have...

Essay. Attentional Balance Through Mindfulness

You are here. I am here. Our bodies are present, yet our minds may be bouncing around, our thoughts drawn away, recollecting a task to be taken care of, or propelled into imagination. As humans, we spend a lot of time thinking about what is not going on around us, and it would appear that...

Experiencing a ‘Correcting Crisis’? Here’s How to Get Through It

As you begin to nourish your body with whole foods, eat less processed fake foods, or begin to use high quality supplements, you will notice differences in how you feel.


The typical reaction is a gradual development of an increased sense of wellbeing. It may begin with an increase in...

Cacao or Cocoa?

What? There is a difference? I have gone through most of my life not knowing there was any difference! But there is!

Cacao is part of cocoa. And while this is open to interpretation to some, cacao is raw, less processed, and cocoa is roasted. The difference is in how processed the beans are.


Banana & Yoghurt Breakfast Muffins

Cake for breakfast? Well, with a healthy twist. Yes, please! These banana & yoghurt breakfast muffins are simple to bake, have a light, moist texture and are ideal to grab with a piece of fruit on those hectic mornings.

Makes 12
Preparation time 10 minutes
Cooking time 20 minutes
Tip: Store at...

Resolutions to Intentions. A Self-compassionate Swap.

Do you make resolutions at the turn of the New Year? Get excited about a 'new beginning' or an opportunity to achieve a goal, and by week two, you feel like a failure because you have given up? Or do you feel jaded and no longer see any reason to even set a resolution because you never achieve...

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