Articles & Writing 

Let’s Create a Life You LOVE

7 Steps to Mindfulness and Calm

If you are seeing and hearing about all the benefits of mindfulness and meditation and want to start a regular practice but don't know where to begin, I've got you!

I was exactly the same. In fact, if you had said to me that a regular mindfulness practice would increase my productivity and energy...

Ocea Marie | Empowerment Coach, Podcast Host
Episode 2 I am Enough with Sheridan Stewart - Love Yourself Well Podcast
Episode 2 I am Enough with Sheridan Stewart - Love Yourself Well Podcast

Love Yourself Well Podcast

Episode 2: I am Enough. Sheridan Stewart

Mild Language warning.

Get ready for a fun and insightful conversation with Sheridan Stewart, author, public speaker and broadcaster with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. As a former FM radio presenter, she has...

Move From Chaotic to Mindful in 3 Steps

Mindfulness is the capacity to maintain continuously focused attention on a familiar object without forgetting about it and without being distracted by other thoughts, mental images, sounds or sights. 

The study and practice of mindfulness have changed the way I live life. Although I have...

Essay. Attentional Balance Through Mindfulness

You are here. I am here. Our bodies are present, yet our minds may be bouncing around, our thoughts drawn away, recollecting a task to be taken care of, or propelled into imagination. As humans, we spend a lot of time thinking about what is not going on around us, and it would appear that...


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