Articles & Writing 

Let’s Create a Life You LOVE

3 Practical Steps to Harness the Transformative Power of Gratitude

Most of us were taught to use our manners, often reminded as a child to say thank you — for many that is the extent of appreciation for life, a few mindless thank you’s throughout the day. And in this modern world where we can compare ourselves and our lives to others instantly and...

Healthy Habits to Support Vitality and Focus

Poor habits can be hard to break, and positive habits are even more challenging to start! Choosing healthy habits builds confidence, supports a clear mind and focus, and helps us maintain stamina to achieve our goals. It may sound cliché, but developing and supporting healthy habits and...

Ocea Marie | Empowerment Coach, Podcast Host
Episode 2 I am Enough with Sheridan Stewart - Love Yourself Well Podcast
Episode 2 I am Enough with Sheridan Stewart - Love Yourself Well Podcast

Love Yourself Well Podcast

Episode 2: I am Enough. Sheridan Stewart

Mild Language warning.

Get ready for a fun and insightful conversation with Sheridan Stewart, author, public speaker and broadcaster with the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. As a former FM radio presenter, she has...

3 Simple Steps to Being Your Best Self

In the hustle and bustle of our daily lives, it's easy to forget the most important relationship we'll ever have – the one with ourselves. I often say, 'Fall in love with yourself, and everything else falls into place." I wholeheartedly believe this. When you fall in love with yourself, you...

4 Easy Steps to Start Your Gratitude Practice

One of my daily practices is gratitude, and we call it “thank you for” in our home. I believe the practice of gratitude and appreciation are vitally important to being and feeling healthy and beautiful. If your days are hectic, you are chasing your tail, you have a lot of negative...

How to Find Your Life Balance

Have you ever felt that your life is askew? 

Off-centre, with some areas receiving all your attention and others getting none. Perhaps your career is on track, but you are noticing your stress levels are high and your health is suffering. Or maybe all your time is focused on your family, and...

Transform your Health with Qigong

I believe we are in a time where many of us are looking for more than just following a trendy diet and grinding at the gym. Many of us want more than feeling exhausted and unfulfilled and scrolling senselessly through social media. We constantly search for ideas and tips to feel well and live...

Resolutions to Intentions. A Self-compassionate Swap.

Do you make resolutions at the turn of the New Year? Get excited about a 'new beginning' or an opportunity to achieve a goal, and by week two, you feel like a failure because you have given up? Or do you feel jaded and no longer see any reason to even set a resolution because you never achieve...


Positive vibes only

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