Articles & Writing 

Let’s Create a Life You LOVE

Portobello Mushroom Sandwich

I am obsessed with Mushrooms. They genuinely fascinate me. Mushrooms are nature's mini pharmaceutical factory, and they have been on the spectrum of the 'healer' for thousands of years, especially in Traditional Chinese Medicine. If you do a quick search, you will find many new scientifically...

Is Your Stomach Acid Acidic Enough? 

You may have heard things about eating an 'alkaline diet', drinking 'alkaline water' or that we must have our bodies in an 'alkaline state'. And while I understand the premise of these statements and encourage you to eat less processed foods and mostly plants, I believe it is important to know...

Sugar Free Christmas Cake

Tis the season to be jolly and to eat cake! Sugar-free Christmas cake, in fact!

I love Christmas and all the festivities! For some, it brings a sense of overwhelm and anxiousness that is loaded with expectations. And I understand that because I have sat with those feelings before. It all changed...

Toxins and Inflammation. What are they?  

To achieve health, radiance, abundant energy, balance, and permanent weight loss, we need our digestive and elimination pathways to work effectively. Often when we understand how systems in our body work, we feel more inspired to care for them. Understanding the underlying cause of obesity and...

Essay. How Family Influences Food Choices.

I  am currently writing an e-book to support women in understanding their relationship with food and cultivating a kinder, more curious relationship with their bodies. During my research I came across this short reflection I wrote while studying the sociology and psychology of food choice....

Discover Your Money Personality

There is a scarcity vibe around at this time, and the world is in a state of chaos. The energy is heavy, and the media is bombarding us with many images of lack and despair. Conversations of concern about how the bills will get paid are common. Many people do not know how they will survive with...

Omega-3 Fish Oil. The Key to Your Acne Treatment

Very few of us survived our teenage years completely blemish-free. I remember being self-conscious of my skin, and I wasn't at my most confident while dealing with breakouts. In a distant memory, it seemed that one day my mild case of acne was gone, and so was the schoolyard teasing. Fast...

Why Blood Sugar Maintenance is the Key to Better Health

Blood sugar, baby … most people think it is something that only people with diabetes should concern themselves with. I am here to tell you that blood sugar balance is your secret weapon to weight loss, healthy weight maintenance, stellar energy levels and a metabolism that functions...

How Do You Dukkah?

Dukkah (pronounced doo-kah) is a mixture of spices and nuts originating in Egypt. The name comes from the Egyptian Arabic word, meaning ‘to crush’ or ‘to pound’, which is precisely how dukkah is made! Spices, seeds, dried herbs, and nuts are placed into a mortar and...

Tomato Quiche

Quiche anyone? I love making quiches. I mostly make mini quiches. Using a pre-made pastry and muffin tin, I make them in batches to have on hand for quick lunches, and there are always some in the freezer that can be defrosted and eaten with a tossed salad on those days when either time or...

Are You Getting Enough Zinc?

Zinc status check …

Are you regularly tired and depressed?

Do you have a poor sense of smell or taste?

Do you get breakouts, skin rashes or infections often?

Do you suffer extreme hair loss and poor nail health?

Do you have smelly feet or strong body odour?

Do you experience poor appetite?...

Your Love Affair With Choc Chip Cookies Starts Here

I have been poking around my recipe archives and came across this chocolate chip cookie recipe. It was so popular in our home. I can’t believe that I had forgotten about it! When a toddler was in the house, I baked these regularly because chocolate chip cookies were a favourite. We would...


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