5 Nutrients for a Good Night Sleep

Woman laying on a bed with her arms above her head and hair above her head. The white sheets are covering up to her eyes with only her forehead visible.

Are you waking up energised and refreshed? If not, you are not alone. Sleep disorders cost Australia (during 2019 – 2020) $35.4 billion! While that is a lot of money, that is a lot of people who aren't getting enough sleep! What personal cost does a lack of sleep or poor-quality sleep cost you? Lack of focus, poor food choices, low productivity, moodiness, sallow skin, and even weight gain are some side effects of poor quality and not enough sleep.

You may have already made some changes, like ditching your daily wine o'clock, being screen-free a couple of hours before bed, and closing the kitchen at 7 pm, but you may still be tossing and turning, fighting to nod off.

No more! Here are some nutrients and their food sources to add to your diet to support great sleep.


Some studies have demonstrated that low calcium serum levels can disrupt sleep, particularly during the REM cycle. Yoghurt, broccoli, kale, spinach, collard greens, figs, oranges, salmon, and sesame and chia seeds are all excellent bio-available sources of calcium. 

Vitamin D

Low vitamin D levels may also contribute to disruption in your evening sleep cycle and may be a reason for drowsiness during the day. 15 – 20 minutes of direct sunshine daily and a diet that includes oily fish such as salmon, beef liver, eggs and mushrooms. Vitamin D will support quality sleep, and dietary Vitamin D is vital to support calcium absorption. If you know you are not getting enough Vitamin D, you may want to take a supplement; a link to my favourite one is here.


This wonderful hormone (that follows the rhythm of the sun) not only regulates your sleep-wake cycle but can also support healthy ageing, eye health, cellular health and your immune system. Some great sources of melatonin are cherries, goji berries, almonds, pistachios, eggs, oily fish, and dairy milk.

Vitamin B6

B vitamins support your nervous system regulation, and B6 (pyridoxine) is also a co-factor for melatonin. Regulating your nervous system helps you sleep better. Foods you will want for meals and snacks include tuna, salmon, chickpeas, potatoes (skin on), dark leafy vegetables, papaya and bananas. B vitamins are water-soluble, meaning your body does not store them, highlighting the importance of eating an abundance of whole real foods (that are not processed), especially vegetables, each day. 


I am a big believer that if a mineral isn't found in the soil, it isn't going to be in our food, hence the reason many Australians are deficient in magnesium (in my opinion). Magnesium deficiency can cause muscle cramps and disturbed sleep. Try eating whole grains, green leafy vegetables, nuts and seeds, legumes, and avocado to improve this. You may also like to swap out table salt for Himalayan salt as a source of magnesium and other minerals. 


While this blog piece focuses on nutrients, please remember we don't eat nutrients; we eat food! And the best way to ensure you meet your nutrition needs is to 'eat the rainbow' as they say, meaning eat a variety of foods regularly. Eat as many different vegetables and fruits as possible, mostly vegetables, preferably seasonal. Mother Nature knows what we need each season to be our healthiest! To help keep it simple for you and remove confusion over what to eat, I created seasonal self-guided Nutrition Resets. These include recipes using seasonal produce, meal plans to follow (if that is your thing), nutrition education, mindfulness practices to manage stress and a journal if you want to explore your relationship with food and your health and well-being a little deeper. You can learn more about them here.


Remember, when you fall in love with yourself, everything else falls into place.


OM xx


Blog posts are not intended to provide medical advice or take the place of medical advice and treatment from your doctor. Readers are advised to consult their qualified health professionals regarding specific health questions. Ocea Marie does not take any responsibility for possible health consequences for anyone reading or following the information available on the blog. All readers, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their doctor before beginning any nutrition or supplement program.


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